

THE MEDITATIVE POWER OF SHELLS 1024 683 adminvictoria

By Victoria Foyt If you ever have relaxed to the rhythm of ocean waves, no doubt you’ve benefited from the power of the sea to transport you from the stress of everyday life to a quiet place deep within. Many of us have the sense that the inner place never changes during our lifetime. Let’s…

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contemporary romance novel

My Mother, My Self. Really?

My Mother, My Self. Really? 500 333 adminvictoria

By Victoria Foyt By the time I was married to an artsy filmmaker and had two children, I was confident I was living the life I had dreamed of as a young girl. I had moved from my hometown in Coral Gables, Florida to Los Angeles. I was pursuing an artistic career as a writer…

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mermaid fiction

5 Reasons to Love Mermaid Fiction

5 Reasons to Love Mermaid Fiction 768 1024 adminvictoria

Mermaid fiction is as popular as ever—in fact, it seems like it will never go out of style. Since the first mention of a mermaid in 1000 B.C. as an icon of Assyrian folklore, these nautical beauties have played a memorable role in culture and mythology. With appearances in everything from Greek mythology and One…

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contemporary romance novel

The Five Basic Elements of Romance Novels

The Five Basic Elements of Romance Novels 1024 576 adminvictoria

Whether you dream of writing an epic period piece rivalling Gone With the Wind, an old school Harlequin-style tome or a contemporary romance novel like Valentine to Faith, it’s essential to understand the key elements for developing a good romance story. It requires more than just girl-meets-boy, obstacles-abound and then on to a happy ending…

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contemporary romance novel

Tips for Writing Romance Novels: Finding Your Niche

Tips for Writing Romance Novels: Finding Your Niche 1024 683 adminvictoria

Romance is a genre that will never die—at least when it comes to books. Romance novels are just as satisfying to write as they are to read, which is why we’re sharing some general tips on how to master the subgenres. Whether you’re planning to write an epic romantic journey taking place in the 1800s,…

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mermaid fiction

How to Live Like a Mermaid

How to Live Like a Mermaid 500 325 adminvictoria

Living like a mermaid is one of the most magical paths you can take—and you don’t have to travel the depths of the sea to do it. There are so many ways to infuse mermaid magic into daily life, from swimming in the ocean regularly and reading mermaid fiction to dressing and acting the part.…

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